Which QB in a salary cap league?

I'm in a salary cap league and there is a flex position that can be any category (QB, RB, WR, TE, K, or D). I currently have Brady as my QB and have Romo as my flex starter. I want to stay with a QB in the flex position, because they are the hot, reliable fantasy players this year.

But, I'm concerned about Romo's matchup against New England next week and wonder if there is a better option out there at QB.

To stay under the salary cap, the only QBs I CAN'T afford are P. Manning and Brees. Otherwise, I can pick up any other QB in the league for this position. Here's who I'm looking at:

- McNabb (PHI @ NYJ) - NYJ is 25th in pass yards allowed

- Rivers (SD v OAK) - Rivers shredded DEN and has #22 OAK passing D at home

- Culpepper (OAK @ SD) - #27 SD passing D gave up 232 passing yards, but 0 TDs, to DEN last week

Should I stay with Romo, or pick up someone else this week? Maybe in another position other than QB (I already have LT)?


Favorite Answer

Well you have to look at what Romo did last night. Even in his worst game ever he threw for over 300 yards. He won't have that much trouble with New England. If he thows 5 picks to the Patriots that game will be over fast. i thnk it was a good thing. It cleared his head about all the hype around his name. A reality check thats for sure. The Cowbys will be in their prime next week and I think Romo will do fine.


Look a Detriot Lions QB!