Why is Dick Jauron still the coach of the Bills?

Despite all their injuries, the team plays a great game against a team they should have been blown out by. They deserved the win, but because the coaching staff couldn't manage the clock and then put them in a prevent defense the last two drives, all that effort is squandered and they lose. The fans, and especially the players, deserve better.


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I agree but you cant put the blame on Jauron...put it on Steve Fairchild, the offensive cordinator. Jauron is a solid coach and put together a heck of a team even with close to 20 guys injured throught the season. The playcalling has stunk all year. At least they are opening up the playbook and spreadin it out now.
But the same thing happened against denver. 3 minutes left RUN the ball... I would have been happy if they took as knee rather then throw the ball away... A 5 year old knows better to throw it with 3 minutes left on the 15 and up by 8. cmon now
fire Steve Fairchild

Terry C.2007-10-10T07:52:18Z

Once upon a time, Dick Jauron lead the Bears and Jim Miller to the NFC Title game...


Lol! i assumed the fees might do some thing this 365 days I advise they did commence off fairly sturdy. yet i'm guessing because of the fact no person needs to be a Head coach for the fees. BTW good day you may constantly convey returned Wade Phillps LMAO! i would not pass over him.


There were some coaching miscues in that game. 3rd and 2 and they run a reverse? 3rd and long in field goal range and he lets the rookie try to throw for it instead of just letting them run a draw or screen and kick the field goal if you dont get it. No pressure on Tony Romo the last few minutes.
But, it was the coach that came up with the scheme that took 5 INTS of Romo, so he did overall a good job. Buffalo is just too young of a team, they couldn't put it away.
But dont worry Buffalo fans, Dallas will get theirs this weekend.

chuckey is ill2007-10-10T07:38:27Z

Coach Jauron is a good coach.

You and any other fans calling for his head are not being reasonable .

The team did it to themselves.

the offense could have helped more by scoring more than 3 points.

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