WHY?!?!?!? This sucks....?

Why is it that everytime I try to leave this site I some how get sucked back in?
I had just decided to check my email one last time and then get off the computer for a while but then I see an email saying that a contact just asked a question.

So what do I do? I ANSWER it and then see another question that I just HAVE to answer, and now it's been ANOTHER 15 minutes!!!

When will the maddness end?!?!?!?

LOL I hope everyone is haveing a good day :)


It's nice to know there are others out there like me....... Or does that bother me to know how many other people are trapped on this site?!?!?


Favorite Answer

It will never end!
It is an addiciton.
you are officially a Y!A addict.
along with just about everyone else on this stupid site.
Including me.
hey, at least you're not alone ...


ha ,ha ,ha i am also addicted.is there any rehab centre for this addiction????,withdrawl symptoms start to upset me in less than 24 hours.its like heroine.one time use leads to life time addiction.
but the good thing is that i have a feeling that in more that 100 questions that i answered,even if i might have helped at least a single person then its worth it


We are all in it together! Have a good day also!

Big Red2007-10-11T08:00:11Z

This is almost as bad as smoking. Ya just gotta do it.

im a goonie2007-10-11T08:00:27Z

addictive huh...yeah i know, i am too..lol.. have a good one..