Selling the kids old toys?

Which is better having a garage sale or taking the stuff to Once upon a child? Money wise.


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how old are the toys, look on ebay and see if some of them are selling on there, maybe you could make more money on there than a garage sale. If you plan on selling more stuff than just toys, then have a garage sale

Oracle Elizabeth2007-10-11T13:29:13Z

Okay this might be time consuming but first check the toys. Look them up on ebay or something first you never know when you have something worth quite a bit. It never ceases to amaze me at the price of some trading cards I can find in garage sales. If nothing worth ebaying then garage sale it, but you might wanna check how much license (or whatever its called, some towns make you get one) for a yard sale costs first and see if you will make more then it costs to buy it. If license costs more take it to the once upon a child thing.

sarah v2007-10-11T20:32:14Z

Garage Sale! We have one about every 6 months and usually make $250-$350. It's not all toys, but we sell alot of toys. I make sure to clean the toys and replace the batteries so that people know that it works. I buy the cheap batteries from Dollar Tree. I spend a little bit for the batteries, but I end up selling it for way more than a dollar, so it's ok.

♥Sexy Mama of 2 cuties♥2007-10-11T17:43:53Z

Defintely a yard sale. One upon a child does not give you even half the value for it!! good luck!!


garage sale

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