who is the worst heisman trophy winner?

in terms of his nfl impact (what heisman trophy winner was the biggest bust in the nfl)

Riggo 44 (Joe DeForest is the worst DC in history)2007-10-17T12:18:30Z

Favorite Answer

#1 Jason White

#2 Troy Smith


Hey andy h...

The Heisman is for the best player in college football, not on what he does in the NFL. If a guy wasn't drafted or didn't play in the NFL, then he CANNOT POSSIBLY BE A BUST IN THE NFL. You probably need to try and comprehend the questions before you try and answer them.

A bust in the NFL would be someone drafted high and expected to do well. Try someone like Danny Wuerffel or Andre Ware.


Gary Beban from UCLA and Andre Ware from Houston. Both were actually in the NFL (unlike Jason White and Charley Ward) and neither played much at all and neither performed as expected. However, Andre Ware now does an excellent job as a college commentator on television.


There are so many Heisman "busts". Pat Sullivan,QB Washington Redskins. Ironically Sullivan won the Heisman over Joe Theismann, who chose to play in Canada. Eventually Theismann was signed by the Redskins. HE had a significant career there until the "original L.T." sacked him on Monday Night Football, breaking both bones in Joe's lower leg, ending his playing career.


I completely agree with Eric Crouch.
Guys like the Troy Smith who are strictly college quarterbacks and most people know they won't succeed in the NFL aren't being pressured as much to produce or for that matter even see game time.
Eric Crouch on the other hand had tons of potential for the NFL and did nothing with it and was just a selfish SOB.

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