Is there anything I can spread on my fenceline to keep out racoons?

My dog has just killed his third racoon this year. Each time he gets into a fight with one he ends up with a cut or two on his snout. This time it was too close for confort being just below his eye. I'm afraid that as he gets older and slows down that he won't be so lucky. I really need to find a way to keep the racoons out.


Favorite Answer

Shake-Away the Strongest Raccoon Repellent in Nature

What is Shake-Away and how does it work in getting rid of raccoons? It is a strong, granular deterrent that contains the scent of the animal’s most feared rival, the coyote.

I have not used this product, but I have used their small critter repellant when the chipmunks and squirrels started chewing on my siding. That product worked like a charm!


I don't know if there is anything that you can spread but i have heard of devices that shock or spray water on animals if they come across your fenceline to deter them from getting any closer also make sure that there is nothing inside your fence that is attracting them like dog or cat food or open garbage.

Good Luck