my ex girlfreind contacted me in email should i tell my wife who is a bit insecure and thinks i still want my ex girlfreind oh by the way she sent me an email telling me her mother is paralyzed and to send me condolenses on my brothers death.
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Tell your wife and get her to send an email back to your ex expressing regret on both your behalf. That way it will put your wife's mind at ease and she will see for herself that there was nothing untoward in the email.
You should tell your wife that she contacted you to send condolences and that you replied to say thank you and sorry to hear about her mother. Best wishes. Show her the emails if you think it'll help and promise her that you won't continue the contact or initiate further contact.
From personal experience, I know that it'll be better if she finds out from you instead of by accident or some time down the line.
By the way, what makes her think you want to get back with your ex? Do you talk about this chick a lot? That's my problem with my bf and he was just CONSTANTLY bringing up his exes and finally I was like if you say one more thing about them, I'm gone. If you're so keen to talk about her, then why dont' you go get her back. So figure out what's causing this insecurity and fix it. It's probably not something that came out of thin air. Maybe it was an innocent comment but women pick up on things.
I wouldn't tell your wife - it's not like you want your ex-girlfriend back, if she asks or you like just say you had a message from a friend you haven't heard from for ages who is going through a rough time. If she presses for more, just say a distant relative (which in some case is true). Just make sure you don't get into any lengthy communication with your ex, but it's good to be a friend and offer a little support.
You better believe you'd better tell her. If she finds out for whatever reason she emailed you, she's going to think you had something to hide by not telling her. You think she's insecure now, she'll be even more. It might help with her insecurities if you do tell her. If the ex is sending condolences for your brother, that was a polite thing to do. It's really the considerate thing for your wife's sake.
sounds like a catch 22. One the one hand your wife might appreciate the fact that you are being so open with her BUT she might also think the two of you (ex & u) have been 'talking' all along.
Could she handle the truth? Go with your gut and for goodness sake, if your wife means the world to you and she is not the type to understand friendships then you should cease your communications with this ex.