Have you ever heard of Jacqueline Saburido?

I just received this in an email from a friend and thought I would share it. This Brave young woman has decided to use her tragedy to help others. I think it is something important to pass along especially to teens and young adults who may think they are invincible when it comes to drunk driving.



I just want to thank everyone who answered. I think it is an important but hard to see message. If their are children on YA that are to young to handle seeing it then they should not be online either because there are much more horrible things they are exposed to. My friend lost her daughter last year due to a recklass teen behind the wheel. Between Nov when she died and Jan about 45 deaths occured due to either drunk driving or reckless driving all teenagers. 8 People died on Christmas Eve as a result of 1 drunk driver with a suspended license. I live in a rural area not a largely populated area so that is alot of deaths in 2 mos. I think teens need to see the survivor stories. Again thanks for all the answers. This girl is a Hero and clearly a survivor through and through.


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Yes I remember seeing a TV Docmentary about this young Lady some time ago. Extremely sad and tragic. I was taken by her sheer will to live despite the extreme adversity she has faced.

Its a terrible thing to use somebodys pain and disfigurement to get across a message, but I gather that she has consented, and for everyone she persuades not to drink and drive, one can say that she is a true hero of our time.

I wish her well.


At first I must admit to being repulsed then I sat here with wet eyes and greatly admired her courage and determination and spirit.
Usually I'd hate the person who caused such horrific injuries but I genuinely feel sorry for the young man whose extremely poor judgement caused this to happen as well as the deaths of two other young people. I feel sorry for him because deep remorse is to be his constant companion until the day he dies.
He shouldn't have been driving after drinking heavily but his poor judgement was believing that "I'm alright! Nothing's going to happen! I'm in control." Clearly he wasn't in control and he never will be again.
Jacqueline Saburido, eres hermosa, hoy dia y siempre.

Only visiting2007-10-17T12:15:54Z

No I hadn't seen this article or heard of Jacqueline Saburido. It was very hard hitting but certainly sends out a poignant message to all and I totally agree that it should be shown to all teens and young adults as a warning of the consequences of drink driving and also careless driving. Thank you so much for posting this question was really worth seeing.


If all learner drivers were made to see that before taking their test perhaps the message might hit home....Is it really worth destroying such a beautiful life for a 5 minute adrenalin rush?

My sister was killed by a drunk driver when she was just 9yrs old...seeing these pictures of Jacqueline made me realise that perhaps in a tragic way my sister was the lucky one...Jacqueline and her family have to live her nightmare of pain and disfigurement for the rest of her life.

So very very tragic.


I am now 13 years old. When I was about 7 or 8, my father sent me the powerpoint presentation about her, and (I don't want to sound bad) I have been traumatized since then everytime I see her picture.
Anyway, her story is really sad.

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