I'm curious.....what's the most creative way youve caused yourself to orgasm ?...and where?

Hope not to offend anyone....and if youre too shy here....just answer..."see email" or something....I'll still rate your answer. Thanks for sharing.


Favorite Answer

Oh, right, I'm going to post about a dwarf and a vat of chicken gravy for everyone to see...

THE RESCUE LLAMA!!!2007-10-18T05:09:24Z

One time, I was sitting on a swing in a playground. I was sitting side ways, with both legs straddling each side of the seat. I was simply rocking waiting for someone to arrive when I noticed the pressure on the cliteral area that gave some pleasure. I was able to reach orgasm right then and there. It was the strangest thing. LOL


I hope you don' t get ANY ' creative ' answers to this 'cause you' ve really laid out an ignorant question , here !
You sorta saved yourself a bit , though , by saying that you hope you haven' t offended anyone .


A buddy of mine filled a ziploc with vaseline, microwaved it and stuck it between his matress and boxspring. You can probably figure out what he did from there. I personally am not that creative.


Old Lady Palm and her five daughters...not particularly creative, but they work.

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