Do you get sick after getting the flu shot?

I heard that people actually get sick after getting one...


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The 1st time I ever got one, I got sick, so I just don't bother getting one anymore.
Why should i pay $40 to get sick?


Despite what is commnly believed from non-medical professionals, you cannot get the flu from the flu shot itself but rather from a compromised immune system after getting the shot. The flu vacine is made by putting live flu into an egg, letting it grow, cooking and killing the egg, then filtering and processing it to make vaccine. Viruses, in comarison to bacteria, need living cells to survive and multiply. The flu shot people get is specific for the strains of flu in the region they are living and doesn't protect against other strains that you may come in contact with. Also, you may not have the flu. You may simply have a bad cold, mono, or some other virus. I don't' know how long you've had that fever but a fever of 102 is not good... 103-105 can cause brain damage if left untreated. You need to call your doctor and get that fever down.


I asked my Dr about that.. And some people do get sick but usually it's not the flu. It's a bad reaction to the treatment. Some people are allegoric. They use chicken fat in the shot. Believe it or not...


No. I have never gotten sick. But I heard some people do. They inject you with the flu virus to build up you immune system. Maybe some people's immune system is not that great and they get affects from the shot.

§ dreamer §2007-10-22T21:38:06Z

Some people do but I never did.I've gotten the flu shot every year since I started in health care many years ago.

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