Why Do Men Curse A Lot When Driving?

I am wondeirng why most men I know curse a lot while driving. They would always say something negative like "you idiot!", "you moron!" , "that is stupid!" "you a**hole!" and stuffs like that...when the person couldn't hear them saying that and the only ones who can hear them say that are his own passengers?
Why is it that when they are the ones who do the same thing, they don't say "i'm idiot!", "i'm moron!", "i'm stupid", or "i'm an a**hole!"...
Just made me wonder...
I just hate it when my husband says that and our baby and i are the only ones who can hear him?


One more thing...he hates it when the traffic light turns red on him...as if the traffic lights did it intentionally...duh?!


oh. and by the way, i said MOST men, i didn't say ALL men. lol! i said most because all the men i know (including my brothers, brothers in law and male cousins) do that!


to clue me in: lol! that's a good idea! =)


to rockstar: yes, i am bothered too and i always remind him that the baby hears him saying things like that. but all he can say is sorry and he'll watch his mouth but he keeps on doing it =/


to wyomugs: i have talked to him plenty of times about it. it never worked.
our baby is just turning 1 year old, however, no matter what the baby's age is, i believe that cursing is not good around children. i wish i could make him stop talking like that. but there isn't anything i could do. i just found out he's like that after we're married. lol!
well, i'll just do my best so our baby will grow up without learning the bad words that come out of her dad's mouth =)


Favorite Answer

That's what you call road rage. Everyone is aware that the other person cannot hear them and if they had a bad day that is the best way to scream at some random person that is not as crazy as them.
What can I say about your husband...umm.. Next time you guys are going somewhere you should drive make him sit in the passenger side you scream at people make yourself look really crazy and if he says something tell him i'm only acting like you when you drive. This should be a fun the plus side eveytime he drives he will remember the day you where going nuts over other peoples driving and he will probably relax. Good Luck!


<wyomugs looks in the mirror to check again... hmmm>

I do attempt to hold my tongue when other passengers are present. However, in the face of a totally moronic maneuver by another driver, I must confess, I do have difficulty holding my tongue! (There goes my Etiquette Top Contributor status, uh?) But you have the words and phrases down pat... moron, idiot, stupid, a--hole, etc. Rarely, however, do I use the really "nasty" words. Those I reserve for the really NASTY drivers!

In your situation, however, have you spoken to your husband about your concerns? Children DO pick up what they hear, even at a tender age. Besides, it is upsetting you to hear such language, too. It is best to discuss this "outside" of the actual situation, not in the heat of the moment when he is cursing out a driver. Good luck!

Have a polite day.


I am not a guy, but I sometimes have a potty mouth while I'm driving. I hate tailgaters (been rear ended 4 times!), people on cell phones who can't do two things at once, and drivers who obviously just left Joe's bar. I do keep my potty mouth shut when my grandaughter's in the car. It's just my solo driving that I get all keyed up.

Hazy Daisy2007-10-23T15:58:45Z

It relieves frustration from all the stupid drivers out there I would believe. Men aren't the only ones that do it, I'm a girl, and very guilty of it too!


Because men are impaitent and they don't care, they have a bad temper and are e asily frustrated..my husband does it around mmy baby and it bothers me. Iremind him theres a young one and that he wouldnt like being cursed at so ignore it. Dont be ignorant. If it really bothers you,..say something to your husband politley to stop cursing because it does no good.But if not, i wish you luck. maybe he'll grow out of it. I know its annoying trust me.

P.S. Wish u luck with ur baby!

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