Why I am not religious?
This about sums it up. I'm sure it will make me some enemies.
This about sums it up. I'm sure it will make me some enemies.
Mosa A
Favorite Answer
James 1:26-27
If anyone considers himself religious and yet does not keep a tight rein on his tongue, he deceives himself and his religion is worthless.
Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.
God help you .
Happy Days!
Religion… what is it? Too many think it means everything about institutionalized religion or that it represents some group of believers.
To me religion is a personal experience – religion is about ones relationship with God. It’s not about going to church. It’s not about rituals. It’s not about beliefs. It’s all about that inner relationship with that unknowable source that gave life to all things.
The humorous part of this all is the blindness and the misunderstanding of the definition of what religion truly means.
Religion is exclusively a personal spiritual experience - knowing God as a Father - the corollary of this experience - knowing man as a brother - entails the adjustment of the self to other selves, and that involves the social or group aspect of religious life. Religion is first an inner or personal adjustment, and then it becomes a matter of social service or group adjustment. That is not to mean that one must go to church.
Always keep in mind: True religion is to know God as your Father and man as your brother. Religion is not a slavish belief in threats of punishment, magical promises of future mystical rewards, rituals, creeds, or ancient writings. How unfortunate for the churches to misguide so many.
Since true religion is a matter of personal spiritual experience, it is inevitable that each individual religionist must have their own and personal interpretation of the realization of that spiritual experience. Let the term "faith" stand for the individual's relation to God rather than for the creedal formulation of what some group of people have been able to agree upon as a common religious attitude. "Have you faith? Then have it to yourself." It’s all about you and that higher power, nothing more.
True religion is the devotion of the self to the service of meaningful and supreme values. Still too many believe that religion needs to be delivered either by a priest, church, or some sacred group; very few have realized to find its real manifestation in within the individual.
Religion can never be a matter of mere intellectual belief or philosophic reasoning; religion is always and forever a mode of reacting to the situations of life; it is a species of conduct. Religion embraces thinking, feeling, and acting reverently toward some reality which we deem worthy of universal adoration.
If something has become a religion in your experience, it is self-evident that you already have become an active evangel of that religion since you deem the supreme concept of your religion as being worthy of the worship of all mankind, all universe intelligences. If you are not a positive and missionary evangel of your religion, you are self-deceived in that what you call a religion is only a traditional belief or a mere system of intellectual philosophy. If your religion is a spiritual experience, your object of worship must be the universal spirit reality and ideal of all your spiritualized concepts. All religions based on fear, emotion, tradition, and philosophy I term the intellectual religions, while those based on true spirit experience I would term the true religions. The object of religious devotion may be spiritual or material, true or false, real or unreal, divine or human. Religions can therefore be either good or evil.
The consciousness of the impulse to be like God is not true religion. The feelings of the emotion to worship God are not true religion. The knowledge of the conviction to forsake self and serve God is not true religion. The wisdom of the reasoning that this religion is the best of all is not religion as a personal and spiritual experience. True religion has reference to destiny and reality of attainment as well as to the reality and idealism of that which is wholeheartedly faith-accepted. And all of this must be made personal to us by the revelation of the Spirit of Truth.
But don't hear me wrong; social activities, group gatherings, and church functions can have positive outcomes to the individual and is probably the best means where experiences can be shared.
I wonder if God is laughing..because he knows what's in store...
Ah... Youtube, the voice of or our lost generation.
Other than that, I generally like George Carlin. Generally funny guy.
To answer your question, I have no idea why you are not religious. Are you basing your lack of faith on a Youtube video featuring some weak comedy and a guy who worships Joe Pesci and thinks that "rape can be funny"?
Jennifer D
I am also not "religious"....but I do have a relationship with God and I follow the example of Christ. In the bible it says that God hates religion. Religion is man's attempt to minimize, contain, and manipulate "god" for their own power and gain.
Because you've proved to yourself that religion is BS.