Where to find Malaysian coated chocolate with fruits inside?

I went to KL a few years back and we were brought to a chocolate store somewhere in KL. I got several boxes of chocolate with durian and it is so yummy. I cant remember the exact location but i know it is in the KL near the KLCC area.
can you please give me the name of the store and the exact address with telephone no.?


The Malaysian coated chocolates I bought are not sold in the stores. I think they have it in the Duty Free but less variety. What i can remember they have that outlet - display plus store. I know it is in KL proper but exact location I can't remember, I need this information asap because I will be there
from Nov. 14 tp 16


Favorite Answer

i think i never tasted a choc with durian...


Are you sure they're Malaysian made? You hinted to us that its form a Duty Free store, so it MIGHT be imported.

Anyway, you've not given us the brand or maker of the chocolate you mentioned... My guess would be KLCC (yes, there's a booth selling all kinds of chocolates there and you MIGHT find it there)... Do check out the candy store in Mid Valley Megamall too!

Hope this helps and good luck!


waaa very yummy haa, very good laa. i think arr. maybe u can make yourself. soo arr the location and the address and the telephone number arr is all yours laah. soo how?
chek kit out..