Have you ever pressed either of the shift keys five times really fast?

I sure wish I could reassign that function to something I can use.


By the way, I have known about it for a long time, I was just wanting to see what happens when people that do NOT know about it, read the question and then answer. Sort of like standing on a sidewalk in a crowd and staring up in the sky. After the first few people start looking up it causes a chain reaction. You can then stop and watch.


Favorite Answer

just did, never seen that before


Yeah, it sets up sticky key, wow, you've only just descovered that?


Yup! Knew that one, but forgot and had to try it again to refresh my memory.

david k2007-10-24T13:10:18Z

ssssssssttttttttttttttiiiiiiiiiiicccccccccccccckkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkyyyyyyyyyyyyy kkkkkkkkkkkkeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyysssssssss aaaaaaannnnnnnnnnnnnnooooooooooooooooyyyyyyyyyyyyy ttttttttttthhhhhhhhhhhheeeeeeeeeee hhhhhhhhhhheeeeeeeeeeelllllllllllllll'llllllllllllllll ooooooooouuuuuuuuuuuuttttttttttttt ooooooooooofffffffff mmmmmmmmmeeeeeeeeeeee


yep, shuts down, why?

oh man, I can't believe that guy beat me.