Is Britneys' "Blackout" a BURNOUT?

Although a lot of fans appairently are buying Britney Spears' latest album, some critics are panning it.

One critic went so far as to say:
"If a blow-up sex doll could sing, this is what she'd sound like," wrote Jim Farber.
"In terms of studio trickery, Paris Hilton's album was practically 'unplugged' compared to this."
(source, below)

I've heard a few cuts.
My only comments about it:
If you like listening to and paying for the slow implosion of a washed-up pop-tart who utilizes studio trickery, then this album is for you.

What say you?



Favorite Answer

She has an album out?


Her album will go down in history as the worst Album of the Year
Just like Lindsey Lohan's Movie...


Britney is a "burnout", it's sad but true

Kyle B2007-10-24T15:29:04Z

pathetic isn't it?