car insurance blunder?
Last week i received a letter from the bank informing me i had been charged 39 pounds for a direct debit being returned unpaid.
I was stunned as i had left the money in the bank.
I was later to discover a car insurance policy i had not renewed had began taking pay ments out of my bank.
I had got back the 22 pound that was taken for the insurance but was told i would have to get the chrges refunded of the insurance company.
I have called them and was stunned with their response.
It was up to me to let them know i no longer wished to have insurance with them , well i was told as the insurance policy had lapsed back in August that that was that.
They say they have sent me two letters, neither of which i have received.
It is their policy apparently to continue on a policy even though they have no authotisation to do so. I was never made aware this was the route they took when no communication took place by either side.