Divine communication. Which of these is the most likely?
Many talk with Divinity. Who gets a "verbal" reply?
1) The self-righteous self-deluded?
2) The Righteous who are worthy.
3) The people who others tell "God talks to you"?
4) The ones who say "I am not worthy"?
5) None of the above.
If you wish to reply that there is no God, then you do not answer the question and will be considered a fool for leaving a reply.
If the center of each and every human is a spark of the Divine, this is all that most of us will ever have contact with.
Divinity is not subject to the concepts of humanity. A virus knows more about an infected human than the human knows about Divinity. This does not stop people from believing "God talks to them."
Favorite Answer
You're really asking an impossible question. Who among us is qualified to say whether or not another person talks with God? How is anyone to know whether or not, they themsevles, or anyone they know is qualified to judge?
Of the 5 options you posted, I would say that only #'s (2) and (5) would be most like to have a genuine verbal response from the almighty.
But who am I to say? Who are you to say? As I've posted in a previous answer or question - I don't remember which - some Vedic or Yoga sage is quoted as having stated: "He who knows, does not speak; He who speaks, does not know".
Some people claim to having seen the face of God. I always thought that they were simply bananas. That is, until I experienced the same phenomenon, which was as follows:
Years ago, when I was most deeply into yoga practice and meditation, one night out of nowhere appeared the most indescribably beautiful face imaginable. It was so wonderous, that I could only look at it for a few seconds, feeling totally unworthy of viewing such, and turned away with a feeling that I had somehow trespassed onto a spiritual plane, access to which I had no valid passport.
It was not until several years later, that a genuine understanding came to me - again out of nowere - of what I had seen.
It was my own countenance that I saw, were I a perfected being, which I certainly am not.
Instructive? Yes, I would say that, that was the whole point of the experience.
We all have the potential for perfection. In fact, I believe that's the whole point of life, our existing.
God as we reference the divine, cannot have a gender identity. If he, it, did, it out of necessity would have to be hermorphoditic. Unless one truly believes the Adam and Eve metaphor; which I don't, not to knock the 3 religions that do. They have a right to their own belief.
If my response is not specific to your 5 options, I hope nevertheless, it will give you something worthwhile to ponder.
There are a lot of discuss about God between scientist in all over the world, but there are not a real idea about it. Scientist studied about creature and universe. They want to know how universe found. some of them like Steven Hawking believe Bing Bang. Some of religious don't like think about it because it make some problem for them. I believe in Energy because it is every where. I don't believe in hell or heaven. I think Divine communication have a root in psychology. when we are unhappy we need a way that it make relax. In fact I choose" None of the above(5)".