My daughter is very tall and "solid". Should I be concerned?
Hi, MY daughter (oldest) is 9. She is 5'2", and, weighs around 110 pounds. She is very intelligent, and, athletic. She seems unaware of her weight (but is well aware that she is taller than most 4th graders). I can't help but be concerned for her. I am only 5'4", so, she is nearly as tall as I, and, my worry is about her weight, really. She has always been a big child (was 18 pounds at 17 weeks, 32 pounds at a year). And, has always been "off the chart" with height. I worry that she is "too big". She eats with the rest of the family and none of us have weight issues. We are all smaller- framed people. My father (who she must take after- is not- and is 6'4"). She has a bit of a pot-belly, but, not too much. I wouldn't put her on a diet, because that would upset her and draw attention to it. Is there anyone else dealing with this situation? Thank you for any input you have.
Thank you all. No, my daughter has NO IDEA of my concern. It is only occasionally a concern, and, I just ran across a news story with it, which put her in the "overweight" category for her age, but, not if she were 15 (?). She has no idea that I am concerned about her sometimes. She knows she is beautiful and actually is quite proud of her height......