What side effects do whitening strips have on your teeth?

Does the whitening wear away the enamel on your teeth?? Or have any other permanent negative effects besides sensitivity for a day or two?


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The whitener in the strips doesn't strip the enamel nor does it contain actual bleach. The whiteners are a more diluted variety of what is used in the dentist's office. The whiteners actually contain a type of "peroxide" which when used on the teeth, cause the "dentin" or "tubule" layer to be exposed or swell. This leads to sensitivity.

If you are going to use a Whitening strip, get a toothpaste made for people with sensitive teeth.

Slowly build up your tolerance to the whitening strips. Only apply them for half the time that the directions say. This means it will take longer to get your teeth brighter but you will be less sensitive.


It can actually cause sensitivity for a few months or even longer, not just a day or two. It dries out the teeth as it whitens them so obviously that's not really a good thing. It can also sometimes make the teeth a bit spotty because of the way teeth bleach. And ya, I guess I've heard research saying it wears away a thin later of the tooth but I don't know how accurate that is.

I'm not saying not to use them because in small amounts it's fine, but just don't use them daily for a few weeks or something.


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What side effects do whitening strips have on your teeth?
Does the whitening wear away the enamel on your teeth?? Or have any other permanent negative effects besides sensitivity for a day or two?


The common side effect is the teeth sensitivity. If the teeth whitening strip contain harmful ingredients, it can cause a huge risks of dental problems to your teeth and gums.


Stay away from the professional teeth whitening procedures and from the whitening at home kits. They are using extremely toxic chemicals that can cause IRREVERSIBLE DAMAGE TO TOOTH ENAMEL and premature tooth decay.

Check out this site: http://www.naturalwhiteteeth.net - It's about how you can whiten your teeth 100% naturally. Same results but 100% safe and 1000 times cheaper.

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