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For the most part. I always try to appreciate the little things, and realize that every moment I spend sad or worried about what is going wrong is one that I won't get back and only wish I had as I get older. So spend a lot of time playing, laughing too much, and trying to enjoy the small wonders this world offers before I have to buckle down.
I really try, and I always consider myself fortunate to not be one of the families in San Diego right now, for example. But throughout the day, some problem always seems to be thrown at you!!
It's hard to cherish every moment, but every night I thank the Lord for everything I have. (Not the material things. My dear husband and my parents.) I know also that many people are way worse off then I in the health department. :)
You bet.
I watch my brother and my dad go to a much earlier grave and they couldn't enjoy the time they were given.
I vow to enjoy each and every second I am given.
Yes I do, yet I hope never to return in a rebirth. No rebirths for me thank you.