Meggie Smalls
Favorite Answer
I didn't know that an illegal could get a driver's license seeming as you need your birth certificate and social security card to get one....
I know where I live they can't get them..
But if they could then yes that would be a recipe for disaster.
to your future Mrs. cobb currently 7 states give people licenses with no documentation and new york is considering it
to the asker the way new york is proposing how they want to do the license is a recipe for voter fraud why because when they give that illegal there shiny new license they have said they will also be handing them a voter registration form
Michael M
Absolutely - why do you think the Democrats love this idea so much. These folks don't care where the votes come from - they've even tried to return the vote to convicted felons - you knows rapists, murderers, child molesters etc... It's not about ethics or morality with these people - it's what gets them the power.
Yes. Commifornia and it's overwhelming numbers of illegals has been trying to get this passed for years.
How could anybody think otherwise. It is an obvious political mechanism for the Democrat Party.