Fall, Back. So we all gained one Hour last night. What did you do with your extra hour?


Just for the record. I worked on a short story for my 360° Blog and then Asked this Question.

I realize that not everyone in the world plays with their clocks (DST) or resets them at the exact same time.


As I live in Bangladesh we are not that fortunate to have the Daylight Saving type of energy saving scheme implemented here.

Btw, I have seen it religiously done in the then Imperial Iran under the King Reza Shah Pahelvi, since he was very close follower of USA. I'm not sure if the Mullahs are following this very good program.

Last year our Neutral Non-party caretaker government was toying up with the idea to have DLS scheme for our people, but unfortunately some leading scientists and politicians did not support it saying that our peasants living in villages would be more confused if we make one-hour delayed or advanced, what a farce!

PS. I saw a cartoon appearing in Iranian newspaper in 1977 showing one person wearing 3 wristwatches. When asked for the reason he explained something like: First one is the original time and the second one is for summertime (1-hour set-back) and the third one is for the winter-time when the clock is advanced by one-hour. This is because he can not manipulate the watches by himself every time government announces changes in the DLS (lol)

Have a nice and productive extra hour!

Frederique C2007-11-04T01:18:58Z

Richard: Me Will Add A few comments here & there.
Otherwise, SVP: Consider IT "The End".
Have Nothing More To Add.
IT's Late.
Have Worked Hard & Managed Well/Not so Well To Explain.
A Diamond Has Different "faces". MeLoves "Stones & Gems".
Simply, Missing Living As Me used To Live.
One Favour: SVP: "Keep IT Safe".


Edit For Rita Boulet: "Sex And the spiritual" - Would rather put Common Sense First.
Do you Know Richard that IT is A Fact Women Are Told That most of Them cannot reach orgasm while coitus is taking place. Now... There Was a "drawing" From the 60s - Never checked the manual's Title. Very useful To Note The 'Sex Educators' must know NUTTIN' ... About The "Serpentine" Dance. But me Will Leave "Explanation" To French Lucifer. Ask 'Les Pleiades' to Translate IT from French.
That Will be The Last Laugh:
"Look Ma ! No Hands"
Honestly, Richard... Could Leave You A Great speech by a Roman Matron, But It Would be another Bull's EyE, and Frankly, Me Has better Things To do. Oh YES.
We have People who get Paid and Apparently Want the Responsibility. Let Them Lead.
A Community Must be Acceptable. What's The Use Stayin' on With
"What is on Offer".
Me cannot Be An active member of A community Set on
Human "Sacrifices". No One Needs IT - Least of All Me.
That's A Conscious Choice not To sell One's Soul To "profiteers". Yes, Me Believes That's a Sin.
Of Course, Will Miss "The Theatre And Its Players".

IT Is A new form Of "Expression". It Goes Beyond One Solitary Narrator.
The Stars Exist With or Without Yahoo. Besides, Who Reads us ? "Poachers ?"

Seven Hours later: The Leading 'organist' Has Asked a Q., above your 360 'Stevedoor'- The coincidence of reading the Yahoo Caption - "y-clept":
"Police officers learning how to extend beats online"
Will make a small Effort: (Richard: Sorry, Me onle reads "Public 360" - Never interested in Any "Guru" extras.

You see Richard: "Yeanlings" need To be "Guarded".
We Had Wonderful Medical Institutions, once upon a Time.
At Present, Methinks We have allowed Our Doctors (and Scientists) to be Disgraced. In The USA, Why Are There so many 'medical Lawyers' When The Medical Boards Could "Check" Their Own. Believe me: "Nothing Like A Doctor, Taking Another Down". A Lawyer May Ask:
"Oh, but Did You do This, And that. And This, And That..." When, In fact, "The Less, the Better".

The Insurance Co:
"Just In Case", More Intrusive Scans; More Tests, & more hypes. Someone Wrote on Another Web-site That Her Insurance Would not pay If She Got off the 'Torture-Table' in . Why, Richard, Would The Insurance Clause State this ? Sounds like "Sabotage" To me.[To 'cut', A Labouring Woman has to Be On her 'Back]. She only has to drink from a cup, Instead of being on a drip, which AGAIN "forces" Her To be "BOUND".

Oh, Sometimes The Unit is 'Cosy': big deal if you aren't able to 'Imitate' The Beautiful Pose of Womem Who Have delivered NORMALLY. Yes Me Told HedgeWitch, once:
"They Look like They are Lying On the Beach". Babies Look Like "Peaches & Cream". (Ruth Lubic, Ina may Gaskin, And Others Will Believe Me: 2 hours after Giving Birth to 3rd Child, me RAN To The Washing Line, YES, And Back Into My
'Wide-Eyed' Hubby 's Arms - Anyone May Ask Him: "They'll get The Same Answer".) AND NO: Me Was NOT Bleeding).

IT is more Than "A Whispering Campaign" Here.
Either: "Or Take The Bull By The Horns"
Or: Go On Believing that just because the "Unit" allows One's Mother-In-Law to Preside, She will stop the maiming...

Richard:" A Recondite Six-shooter" May Do IT.
Unfortunately: The Beautiful, Explanatory 3D link Me had Left for All To See & Wonder - "The Blooming of The Pistil" Was
Censured Despite The Fact, At Least 2 People Had "Plussed". The Q. Was asked by A First-Time Father. [A French Chap: "How funny !"}
Alongside The censoring, that Act of "Treachery", MeKept Going... In the Meantime, Me Not responsible For "The Maiming". IT Is On Record:
"Human Sacrifices Are VIOLATIONS"
IT Goes Without Saying: "Stem cells" Researchers & the Likes Are ill-Borns in denial. How Can You Leave the Choice to Them ?
Well, If You Are A Community Which Perform Rituals of This Kind... IT's Not new in The Course of History - But Then Call IT
" Flesh Sacrifice" And Not Freedom/Dignity/Normality...
Before, not That It is Consoling, At Least, You Were "sacrificed" To A Deity And Killed relatively quickly.

As We Used to Sing In South Africa:
"And If You Follow Your Leaders This way...
You Are Going Have To Pay The Price,
Some day... Oh,oh,oh,Right, Oh,oh,oh"


I guess I was walking my dog at 4:00 instead of 5:00. I wish we did not have to change the clocks. So we could just stop playing with time and see what its like. I never have the right time anyway.


I slept , I finally got the one hour of sleep that was lost in the spring. I really don;t care how it stays but it would really be GREAT if they would ether leave it Standard time or daylight savings time. It is really difficult for hospitals nursing homes, and anyone who takes a time spacific medication


I slept until 11:30 AM Standard Time.

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