Why do you think it's ok...?

to ask questions making fun of anything and everything to do with the USA? How many times do you see a question that makes fun of Germany? China? Russia? Canada? Spain? Seriously, there are more disses on the US than any or the other countries all combined together.

Not ALL Americans are ignorant! And yeah I'll admit there are alot of jerks here.
It was just a simple question, don't get your granny panties all in a twist.


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Don't you think we've made fun of those countries before?For example,Nazi Germany/Communists Russia & China,Canada's been made fun of by the US for a long time.And when Spain gets screwed bad they're gonna be the butt of jokes as well.For now,the US is the butt of jokes since they have (in some people's books) the worst leader right now.So his (mis)leading has been the butt of jokes for a few people.Apart from that there's a stereotype that Americans are a ignorant bunch of people,since they practice isolationism.This stereotype isn't helped by a few REALLY ignorant people.

Tish P

In the interests of fairness then....

1. Why don't Germans have a sense of humour?

2. Do people in China really eat their dogs?

3. How many days do you have to queue for a Big Mac in Red Square?


5. What justification do you have for bull fighting...?

Stop taking yourself so seriously! Us brits get the piss ripped out of us all the time and we laugh it off for the most part. And to everyone from Germany, China, Russia, Canada and Spain, don't take my questions to heart, I'm just trying to make the yanks feel a bit better :o)


Since when did Canada invade another country on the pretence that it had something to do with 9/11? Or imprison people for years in Guantanamo Bay without even charging them with a crime? Or mistreat Iraqi prisoners in Abhu Graid? Or kidnap people off the street and send them off for torture, calling it "extraordinary rendition"? All, whilst proclaiming their country to be the moral guardians of the world?

When the USA starts to treat citizens of other countries a little better, there will be less bad feeling towards the US. You can help to get your country a better rep around the world by protesting against injustices carried out by the current US administration.


Yeah well if you will insist on electing George W Bush as President this will happen!

Kαtydid ★

Because you Americans get so wound up.Its hilarious.
Your all so 'proud to be American' it gets right up our noses.So as soon as somebody make fun of the US you all get so annoyed and run around like headless chickens!
Which is exactly what you're doing now!
Ha ha!
A small country like UK we get bored! Its to small!

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