Women: dating - i asked a previous question - whether you'd prefer a man with more/or/less sexual experience

i got answers that were "more" and "less" -
the answers seemed to have more "more"s than "less"es in general -

but there weren't many explanations why or what was hoped to be achieved -

it seemed the "less" answerers just wanted the "less experienced" now, later in life, just to settle down with;
but previously in life you wanted the "more experienced" for sowing the wild oats so to speak - but now the wild times are over you want the more subdued type

would this be a fair estimate?


<fireball--> MORE...ISNT the reason obvious? i do have that now... <--->

no dips**t - it is not obvious - otherwise I would not be asking -


Favorite Answer

yes it is a very fair estimate


I am 23 and I want a less sexually experienced man. I think that it is hard to pindown age groups and the less/more experience question. If a person at any age is looking for love and someone to share their life with, I think they would want a man less experienced because that way you feel special and you can teach each other things. Whereas if a person just wanted to "sow their wild oats" they would want a more experienced man who knows a womans body and has his own style.
Hope this helps.


More isn't the obvious choice. A fulfilling relationship is. You can learn together the art of lovemaking. An experienced man or woman doesn't mean its fulfilling. He could be a 2 pump chump, and think that's fulfilling, and have no passion. A less experienced person may be a passionate lover, but lack the stamina. They can learn control. I'm 40 now, I'd love a man with control, stamina, and passion. When I was 20, I wanted a man that wanted "it" all the time. Now I want it less often but with more feeling, exploring and caring caresses.

Amy R2007-11-06T18:02:35Z

The main issue with sexual experience is that anyone with a wide sexual history might have trouble settling for someone who will never be the sum total of all the best atributes of their past partners - they will always tend to remember some way in with a former lover's body or method was better and long for that - possibly straying to attempt to recapture that. Now a real, live, grown-up man should be able to focus and work with the relationship he is in now, but there are plenty of men who cannot work this kind of "problem" out without straying, sad though it is to say. So it can be difficult to train a beginner, but it is eventually more difficult to tame the wild stallion. If he can remember that he is a man and not a horse, it works out, but so many men cannot.


I think there are alot of people out there who prefer NO experience period. There are totally advantages to getting with a guy who won't have sex with you until marriage. NO STDs to worry about, the trust factor is rock solid, your friendship can develop in a way that will sustain a lifelong relationship and it's absolutely amazing. My husband had no experience and he has cerebral palsy. Most people would think that he's not a good dating candidate right? WRONG answer. We didn't even kiss until we got to the altar and imagine saving it up for 30 something years and then releasing your passions with one woman - WOW have I got something GREAT!!!! I'm saying this as a woman who previously made some mistakes so I kinda know what "experienced" guys are like and they are pathetic in comparison with how they are comparing you to other people and not thinking in terms of caring about you as a person or loving you for who you are primarily. Imagine - I got the FULL PACKAGE with my guy! I got the great relationship, the great sex and no worries and 100% rock solid dedication and trust - you can't beat that. Unfortunately - there are alot of people like us who won't bother to share with you on Answers but it's too bad because we're not the only people enjoying such pleasure. Imagine that - we've been married for almost 8 years now and it's better than I even imagined. I've got it all - we're still dating and he's the only dating partner I want - well now he is quite experienced but only with ME. I love it!

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