How should we punish Yahoo! for their complicity?

Yahoo! was a stool pigeon for the communist Chinese government.
Their ratting out of a Chinese journalist to the government led to the journalist getting arrested and thrown into jail.

Yahoo! doesn't seem to have a problem punishing some of us if we violate some of their guidelines - and I would argue that some of those guidelines are very vague.

Read the full details at the link:;_ylt=Ai7t9QWZOQV.DnWYAO4NXfUBxg8F


Dave - Yahoo! has a third choice: oofer their service on their terms or tell China to go somewhere else.
From your point of view, it sounds as if yahoo! had NO choice...but Dave, life is full of choices...and in my humble opinion, they made the wrong one.


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Yes we should punish them for all their evil activities.
Yahoo should be given to the people and made free in every way.


Boo Hoo, Yahoo! has to follow the laws of the countries it provides services in and someone got in trouble because of that.

If you don't understand the rules ask someone and we will be happy to explain it in a manner that you can understand.

Yahoo has two choices about China:
1. Follow the laws in China and provide service.
2. Stop providing service in China.

it really is that simple.

Based on your third choice you added I think I will open a business of sacrificing virgins here in the US and the USA can either put up with it or I'll take my business elsewhere. Makes about as much sense. Yes, you are right, Yahoo could have refused and we would now be discussing the Yahoo employees in prison in China. I can see why they did not take your third option.