In a submarine battle taking place in the Gulf of Mexico.?

Would you rather be in a new Nuclear fast attack sub, or a diesel attack sub?


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Well, unless I got the chance to get a Virginia class SSN, I'd take the Diesel boat... a German Type 212.

I've been on the hunting end (SH-60B, S-3B, and ASWMOD), and finding a sub is a biatch ! The warm, shallow water of the Gulf would be a nightmare.

GOD I miss a good old type I nuc

Warren D2007-11-07T06:45:29Z

You didn't mention what the other boat would be, but I would take the nuclear sub over any diesel attack sub, even in the Gulf of Mexico.

Here's why: Nuclear vessels are more self-sufficient, can sustain high speeds longer, can dive deeper and are quieter, all of which can be tactical or strategic advantages.

Some diesel boats are pretty efficient, and they are likely to have somewhat better maneuverability, being smaller for the most part. I would still take the nuclear boat, in part for its having the capacity to disengage and run should things get too ugly.

I would grant that the Gulf of Mexico is a different environment from the open sea, but still feel the nuke would have a lot of advantages over the diesel.

Enough to make it the better choice.

Mohammed F2007-11-07T09:52:48Z

From what I have read, diesel submariens fare better in shallow and littoral waters than their nuclear counterparts. I can not say that I am familiar with the oceanography of the centeral gulf region so I can not say how shallow it is. However there is more than enough littoral area fin which a diesel submarine can freely operate.


Not enough details in your question. However, depending on the situation, I WOULD CHOOSE THE DIESEL. Nuclear submarines when their power plant is in operation, while quieter than a diesel in operation, are NOT quiet. A diesel operating on batteries, is not only a smaller target, but quiet. The USSR used diesel boats for espionage work long after we declared them 'obsolete' and probably still are.


one million) If the story is genuine, i think that's the army's fault, or maybe the Coast shield's. Do you hate our men and girls people interior the defense force? Why are you accusing them of incompetence? Why do you hate usa? 2) The freaking Gulf of Mexico is large, you moron. It does not in simple terms have 2 small entraces! look at a freaking map you id10t. 3) Russian subs can pass everywhere they choose for as long as they stay in worldwide waters. As can American subs. Russian and American subs attitude one yet another each and all of the time! the article is ridiculous - "the 1st time for the reason that 2009 they have gotten that close"! How the freak could they understand??? 4) Russia has nuclear missiles. they'd hit us any time they choose for, everywhere interior the U. S., with nukes. they have been waiting to try this by using fact the Sixties. there is not any protection to ICBMs. we are risk-free with the aid of MAD - mutual assured destruction - no longer with the aid of our coastal defenses. 5) Yours is the dumbest question I somewhat have ever study.

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