This is an example of how letting your child continue to live can be rewarded by God.
The MDs say this kind of thing all too often. And they appear to be proved wrong more often than not. Had the parents listened to the MDs, they would have one dead child and one live one.
I stand corrected. The parents did follow the MDs recommendations. However, that makes this all the more wonderful. Even with his parents giving in to the MDs, this little boy had God on his side. That's all he needed to continue to live.
crimthann69 - A powerful and true statement. You are a man who understands God's design for the family and accepts his responsibility. Good witness. Thank you.
Judy E. T - You have been given a lot of grace by God for the sake of your child. You appear to have utilized that grace to, not only be a great mother but, through it, raised an overcomer. Praise God for your testimony.
There are several great answers here.
Full Gospel Shirley presents the biblical view very well. I know that some will see her response as harsh, but the truth sometimes seems that way.
Genesis 15:5 relates 2 situations that show the fallablity of the MDs test, stories that had a happy ending.
Judy E. T & Crimthan69 have the personal experience (what some would dismiss as "anecdotal") that many on the other side just can't refute.
Favorite Answer
While I agree with you on both scenarios it must be said that the choice is never easy for the couple. To sit in an office or worse yet in a delivery room and have to decide quickly who should live or die is almost too horrible to contemplate.
This is why those who seek marriage and later children must know one another completely. My wife and I waited 5 years before we started to have children and then it took another three to get the first one out and only a little over a year for the next one. We decided that if her life was threatened or the child's we would leave it in God's hands. I could not in good faith take the life of my child so early and then later tell that child I would be willing to do anything for them. Mercifully God did not put me to the crucible and I have two very lovely children and a radiant wife. All know that I will see God's will done even at our very lives and if God is gracious I will be the one to pay accounts as I am the man and head of my house.
Sorry to remove the supernatural from the equation, but the most common cause for a size discrepancy in multiples is restricted blood flow to one of the babies. It's obvious when they attempted to cut the cord of the smaller baby, they manipulated it enough to change the blood flow through it so that conditions were equalized. The following improvements are entirely logical.
Of course, you could always say that God worked through the mother by allowing her to decide to terminate the baby so that the cord would get manipulated!
Edit: Now that I've thought about it, I think the whole story is bogus. Any decent OB Gyn knows the primary reason for disparity in size in multiples. And there's no way any surgeon could fail to cut an umbilical cord. They've got stuff that will cut bone! Somebody's trying to stuff the ballot box!
Most doctors are agnostics, uses worldly wisdom. They forget that there is a Creator, I like this story.
Many doctors are idiots, professing themselves to be wise, they became fools..............and I had seen many a colleagues of mine make an idiot of itself
Terminal cancer patients given a month to live, but lived two years later....... O all kind of the marvelous Providence and mercies of the Omnipotent God.
STORY #1 A church member was scanned and diagnosed to have a miscarriage. She underwent D&C. Two weeks later, she found that she carried twins, and despite a D&C, the other twin lived. Today, he is eight years old! To God be the glory.
STORY #2 Another colleague of mine was utterly against abortion, for when she was in the womb of her mother, some idiot gynaecologist scanned and informed her mother that the child (ie my colleague then) had only one arm and pushed strongly for an abortion. Well, my colleague was born with two arms.......................
All life is precious to God, even when ppl are disabled or old or sickly. God is the only one to deceide when a person will die or not. Abortion is murder, even when they say they do it to save the life of the other baby. Murder is murder. Dont didnt say dont do it unless its inconveneitn. This is all in Gods hands, for noone else to mess with, under any circumstances. I pray this reminds ppl that any form of abortion is murder, no matter what the reason, and May God fogive these parents for trying to murder their own child. He will if they ask. Abortion is ugly, so lets show it as ugly. PPL say I dont want to see graphic pictures. TOUGH. YOu think the baby wanted to go thru such graphic violence? I know not. But, when someone has done this in the past, God will forgive if when they ask and mean it. I have heard so many cases of ppl being told that a baby is so messed up and they need to abort, only to find out the baby is fine. Even if it wasnt fine, so what. The ppl I know with disabled children, tell me they have learned the true meaning to life by taking care of such beautiful children, they TOO are a gift from God. Why can we kill them disabled just before birth, and yet if you give birth to a disabled child, they tell you put them in a home and live with it. What if we are disabled when we are older in life? Does someone else say we have to do as we have no value. WHen a society thinks of life with such little disrefard, that society to ruin from the inside out and God will allow it as it is disobedience to Him. I am thrilled about these two babies, and the mom now has them to love, and I Pray she seeks forgivness. If so, she will receive it. Now, maybe she can go on to speak about the right to live to the nation. What powerful testimony. LEts all ask God to bless her, her husband and their family, and to continue to pray for them. God is good. Look at those babies and tell me one would have a right to lve over the other Oh my God. All life is precious to God. all of it, Even yours and even mine. So many babies killed, murdered every day. How many would hve gone on to find a cure for cancer, be the next president???? and so many more things. Our moms let us live and we must do the same in all cirumstances. God is watching. LEts show HIm we love Him enough to do as He says and stop all this murder. Blood sins will take down a nation.... Lets all keep praying....
my son is autistic. i had a specialist say that by 13 i would institutionalize him. i didn't ; i home schooled him instead. he has gotten a GED. has passed a writing course and is now taking the 2nd half of it. his IQ is 155. and though his personal life is very difficult, he manages adult life. yes he is on meds. but he is often called on at church for biblical answers and he votes on political issues. if i had institutionalized he would be stuck behind grey walls getting nowhere. he wants to publish a Christian comic that he has been working on. he has accepted YESHUA as his savior and works on his " head" problems all the time. Thank You YESHUA for intervening in his life. to ADONAI be the Glory!!!