How Will WGA Strike Affect Wrestling Programming and Writing?

I know I'm ticked off that we're maybe losing "24" for this year, plus the idea of more reality shows makes me ready to hurl my TV through a window.

I was just curious as I haven't heard anything about will the WGA strike affect the wrestling shows? I know some of the WWE writing staff were sitcom writers at one point, so don't know if any of them are with the WGA.


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The writers strike will not have any kind of impact on the wrestling industry except for the possibility that NBC may use WWE programming as a filler in prime time if they do not have regular shows to fill the time slots


The writing staff for the WWE are not affected by the strike at this time.


only as comedy for the story lines.

The WWE writers are not in the guild. Plus WWE writers do not own or have control over their work once it is submitted to WWE


possibly by using fact they have already been produced and Matt and Trey are in reality their own group and executives. The writers of say Conan O'Brien's instruct are not the creators of the instruct.

SMH Corp2007-11-08T08:32:32Z

It won't. WWE and TNA writers aren't unionized.

They wouldn't want to give those wrestler's any ideas.

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