CMA's last night. Kenny Chesney brought his mother instead of a girlfriend. Anyone find this strange? I have

heard the rumors, but just don't want to believe them. After last night, I just don't know.


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Luv My 2 girls2007-11-08T09:27:16Z

I don't know if he has a girlfriend at the moment. The last person i heard he was dating, or it was speculated that he was dating was Vane Millon.
However, if there is not serious girlfriend, why not bring someone who is going to truly appreciate your win. I guess Kenny is a Mama's boy, which is not necessarily bad. Perhaps he can not find someone who can live up to his mother. I think it was nice to share his big evening with his mom and not some random chick that is only there because she looks good on camera.

hockey_gal9 *Biggest Stars fan!*2007-11-08T11:48:07Z

Joaqion Phoenix took his mother to the Academy Awards in 2001, and often brings her or his sisters to award ceremonies. Doesn't make him gay...same with Kenny Chesney. It just shows that they love their families.


Brad Paisley


Exactly what rumors have you heard? Where is it written that there has to be a girlfriend on the arm of a single man? What is wrong with taking his Mom? Who else has stood by him and encouraged him? Certainly not any of those girls who people may approve of. Give him credit for appreciating his Mom and wanting her to be a part of something important like that.

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