How far is Columbus circle from Penn station?

We are going to New York for the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade. I want to take the Path train from my parents in New Jersey and it ends at Penn Station. Is it walkable with small children? or can we take the subway?


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the walk from Penn to Columbus Circle is at least 25 numbered street blocks (from 33rd to 58th Street) up 8th Avenue, which is a mile and a quarter.

only you will know if that's doable for your kids. i know kids who can walk much more than that to kids who don't walk at all.

however, the PATH train ends at 33rd Street and *6th* Avenue, which is basically right at the end of the route of the parade itself, so if you don't have to go to Columbus Circle for any particular reason, you might as well stay there and watch everything.

but if you do want to go to Columbus Circle, the parade route up Broadway itself will be too crowded to make a walk fast and worthwhile, and any way around it would be rather long. in which case just stay underground and walk from the PATH station to the NYC Subway 34th Street / Herald Square station and take the uptown D train 4 stops to Columbus Circle (the B train will not be running on a holiday).


Penn Station is on 34th Street and Columbus Circle is at 59th Street--so it's 25 blocks away.

You can take the A or C train from Penn Station uptown to Columbus Circle.

If you're coming for the parade, you do not need to be in Columbus Circle however. The parade makes it's way through Columbus Circle, Times Square and ends at Herald Sq. My suggestion would be to take the train into Penn Station and walk two (long) blocks over to Broadway near Macy's.


Columbus Circle Subway Station


Columbus Circle Trains


Penn is at 34th St.

Columbus Circle is at 59th St.

25 blocks... a little over 1 mile.

From Penn Station you can take the A, C or 1 train to Columbus Circle

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