Resolving The Identity Crisis?

I have just woken up to read all of last night's hilarious entertainment - Shishak (the undisputed master of account creation) has truly surpassed himself this time...

But for anyone who hasn't worked it out yet, all of the fictitious accounts were created on November 9th (if you hover over an avatar you get to see the date it was created).

So the question entitled 'Look at my avatar?' was posted by the real Ultra N (avatar dated November 8th), while the response 'you're right' was by Shishak pretending to be him.

OK I'm going away for a few days now, but I promise to return soon. Please try not to kill each other in the meantime!

Londoner In Israel

P.S. In case anyone gets the bright idea of trying to impersonate me in the meantime, my account was created in August...


Favorite Answer

Attention seekers.
Attention is their food.
Don't feed them!


This crisis has not only affected Ultra . It also affected me.
Jdriven, convicts me of being in the same group of Ultra and Shishak and he claims falsely without any proof that I have another account under that name (him) and that I am on Shishak's contact list.
I have no clue why he says that. This section is getting disgusting. Those new people come and don't know anything about the others and start making gossips about them.

For Shishak, Jdriven, and some other idiots here, if they want to keep using this section, let them use it reasonably. We are here to learn from each other, not to bash and insult and accuse each other falsely.



Glad you get such a kick out of the clown.

After looking this guy up I think he must be an older version of shithat. Sorry I can't spell well but you know who I mean.


Thank you for the detective work. I will keep this is mind as I answer or choose not to answer these fools questions.

Good Luck!!!


thank you