Has anyone had problems with the new water cooled computers?


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I wouldn't mess with a water cooler anytime at all. Water + Computer = FIGHT TO THE DEATH! lol Best to just get professionals to mess with them or use a fan cooler, that way you won't have any problems, or the people who installed it would have to pay up.


Water cooling is composed of an extremely complicated set of steps from the reservoir , to the pump, the processor water block, radiators, specific tubing, and specific computing gadget cooling answer. in case you placed your computing gadget in a bucket of water, fairly if it wasn't distilled (it wasn't) then your computing gadget is thoroughly ruined. Sorry!


Yeah, it was all good till I tryed to survice it myself. I wanted to replace the coolant which a "more effective" one and ended up dissolving a hole thought the tubes. Warranty didn't cover this, and I lost over $5000 of parts, my hi def DVD, 2 Nvidea cards direct X10 capable, 16gb DDR3 ram and a quad core. As long as you don't be stupid, you'll be alright.


its overkill unless your doing some extreme overclocking. just get a good fan and copper heatsink and that will do the trick.