Did you ever notice in movies. . .?

during the car chasing scenes . . . the person(s) doing the chasing always manage to find the person(s) they're chasing no matter which highway, bridge, dirt road, alley or parking lot they turned into? Amazing, but that's the movies, right?.


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Yeah, and the fella being chased crosses the rail road tracks and knocks the hubcaps off and in the next scene the caps will be back on, he musta taken time out to stop and find and put them back on and still get away!


I never thought that was peculiar,
BUT; I did notice that Hollywood is going out of their way to make guys look inferior and pathetic.
On most movies today females are kicking guys butts,
guys are masturbating in a lot of movies now,
females are depicted as stronger, smarter and more noble and wiser. Have you seen AVP, it's very unlikely...
Though it may not bother me, because I believe everyone has the right to dream.
It bothers me that the repercussions for this will be violent, I hear little boys saying things like "they're all bitches" while they were playing in the park.
I fear this is the start of a gender war, and I don't like the most likely outcome... the last person standing will not be like in AVP. :-(


Only in the movies. If I try following someone there's always 10 cars who just have to be in front of me at all times.

thirsty mind2007-11-14T15:38:03Z

I agree. I also like how during these death defying car cases, the driver still has the ability to make witty banter !! Have you ever noticed no one says "Good bye" they just hang the phone up at the end of a conservation.


Oh yeah. I saw dat X-Men First Class movie. And I never saw that black guy who can shift into a human rock or any relatively black people in the movie.

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