Have you ever laughed so hard that you cried?

i just almost did! by just watching this clip:



Rodelette, that's almost exactly what happened to me when i watched that clip. hahaha! mind you, he's got too many numbers in mind too! lol!


Felicity, yes, it was obviously aired on the local news. That was like last year i believe, as it was posted a year ago. lol!


lol @ trasher. that's funny and gross at the same time. hahaha!


Mary Dawn, better than coffee, ain't it? lol!

Rode|ette ۩2007-11-15T07:40:58Z

Favorite Answer

OMG! (BWAHAHAHAHAHA)i'm laughing so hard side by side in 36 degrees minus the square root from the side by side.

schip! I'M VROOOMMING on the floor. lol

that was fun thanks for sharing your side.


LMAO! ROFL! This can't be true?!! You mean, that video was really aired in the tv as a local news?! Shesh! It reminds me of a news article where a theft was being chased by cops.. he was already too tired and the cops are not giving up on him so he stopped and signaled the cops for a break or time-out!!!! LOL

annabelle p2007-11-15T18:16:50Z

I guess the suspect is a frustrated mathematician. He failed algebra or trigonometry whichever and because of it, cannot expunge his frustration over this failure from his system or memory. And, of course, he is clearly high on "something". Well, I have experienced laughing out so hard so many times in my life it made me cry. It's the kind of crying that I and everyone else would like to happen often in life, right?


YES! very often, esp. when I'm talking (conf.) with my kapwa-baliw (fellow inmates).

Thanks for the link...that was weird and funny...now, I'm really awake!!!


nope but i have seen people laugh so hard they farted real loud

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