me and my ex gf fight so much...?

we were nearly together for 4 years... i dont know how to make the fighting stop... shes the dominant one and its her way or no way..

its constant fighting, sometimes i argue with her just to wind her up.. but other times she can be soo harsh its not even funny.. sometimes its over really really lame stuff... and other times i never want to speak to her again... any ideas how to cut the fighting down? seriously we are worse than an old married couple


Favorite Answer

Wow are you my ex gf? because I have the same exact problem with my gf, In fact I told her I wanted a break last night bc she went crazy on me arguing, I was like Woah!! Email me or message me if you want to talk to someone.

captain snake2007-11-16T09:19:44Z

Try seeing a counselor. Obviously something is wrong & you guys are avoiding it by fighting over silly things. Good luck!