When did jujutsu become ineffective?

I understand there's various styles of it (And I know BJJ is derived from Kodokan Judo), but only until recently have I heard people claming it's suddenly ineffective. Where the hell are these people getting their facts from? LOL? :p


I'm talking unarmed combat, as in notions from people that take martial arts.

Darth Scandalous2007-11-18T06:51:18Z

Favorite Answer

If they were getting "facts", they would not be saying that it is ineffective.

It is like those who say kata is ineffective and useless.

They just don't know.

They studied under someone who has no real martial education.

From what I have seen in Jujutsu, I conclude that BJJ is incomplete.

All the things taught in BJJ are taught in Jujutsu, PLUS many others!

But you know what? I decided to let them remain in their ignorance. Because that is all it is concerning Kata, Qi and other misunderstood words.

They say ignorance is bliss... I beg to differ.


When did martial arts become ineffective to a gun? When did a gun become ineffective to the nuclear bomb? When did a nuclear bomb become ineffective to the sun expanding and enveloping us all?

What exactly is Jujitsu ineffective against and if its so ineffective then why has it survived so many centuries? I'm not talking BJJ either, I'm talking real Japanese JuJitsu.

It's never the art, its the one using the art. Your fool if you think your a monster because you know know MMA or BJJ. Your only a monster if you can actually perform like one. Regardless of style.

People who claim any style is useless (other then maybe air humping, thats pretty useless of a style) is a backseat martial artist. Just tell them to go back to watching their UFC while sitting on their fat butt eating popcorn and drinking coca cola.

Honestly, some people I wonder if they have ever even taken martial arts in their life.


Jujutsu is good but BJJ is just a much more refined system, yes some of the techniques remain, but alot of the ways they are aplied, the reversals, and other techniques are different

Ofcource JuJitsu has allot more striking than BJJ but like BJJ most of the strikes are used to open a person for a takedown or a joint lock

I personaly think BJJ is more refined but people saying that JuJutsu is ineffective, well, they are not right


From people who haven't a clue what jiu-jitsu consists.

Jiu-Jitsu is a deadly and effective 'complete' fighting system and bears little resemblance to BJJ (basically just Judo) or the stuff done in UFC or MMA matches.

In Japan, modern forms of Jiu-Jitsu include an automatic pistol along with traditional weaponry of knives and all the familiar wrist locks, escapes, and other techniques associated with Jiu-Jitsu (and Aiki-Jitsu and Aikido, etc.).

There are several dozen styles of Jiu-jitsu which are designed for nasty street fights which the MMA people are not acquainted.

Since I've began my martial arts training (1968) Judo & Jiu-jitsu have satisfied all my self-defense needs.


As jujutsu was quite popular in countrys like GERMANY ENGLAND FRANCE ETC long before the GRACIES father was even born I doubt it had anything to do with the GRACIES secretly taking it to BRAZIL and none of them ever studied in JAPAN.

BJJ is JUDO with most of the stand up eliminated for SPORT.
The GRACIES self defense dvd is MOSTLY STAND UP TECHNIQUE even they realize a skilled fighter shouldn't go to the ground in a real fight unless he has to and if he is truly skilled very few people should be able to get him to the ground.

Again it's the western delusion that what they see in a sport arena is real fighting and the only effective way.It's good but to much is assumed by both partys and onlookers alike.

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