What is the difference between a miracle and a magic trick to the observer?


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you said "magic TRICK". That's actually different than magic. But a miracle is when the laws of a higher world operates in a lower world. Most of the time, miracles have an obvious magical quality to them. Of course, a true atheist wouldn't admit the existence of a miracle because atheists are more close minded and intellectually bereft than most bible banging Jerry Falwell type preachers of the midwest. Atheism is just another damned boring religion, only a religion of meaninglessness and purposelessness. And athiests are the biggest buffoons of all. They are INCAPABLE of rational thought. For example, their favorite superstition is more than likely "evolution", where simple organisms somehow manage to turn into incredibly complex organisms by themselves, accidentally.


both magic tricks and miracles leave us in awe, isn't it? Magic tricks are things that actually can be done by people. but because the steps are hidden, are the method is hidden from us, and that we cannot figure out the steps, we thought it's magical.but however, if we practice, we would be able to do it too. Miracles on the other hand, are things that we don't expect at all and we may not know the steps for. and no matter how much we practice it, we can't do it. So, we need God's help to grants us miracles.


A magic trick has a rational explanation, there is just some trick to it that anyone can do. A miracle though has no rational explanation and can only have a supernatural explanation.


Miracles offer coincidence and meaning, offering a means to learn something such as an epiphany and self realization. A magic trick is simply entertaining.


There is none. If a magic trick is performed properly it should appear to the observer as though something supernatural has occurred.

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