Dunkin Donuts Secrets Calling all employees past & present!?

Can someone please share with me their secret to that scrumptious coffee? Tell me everything! Is it the machine the temp, the water, the beans, the creamer<-- how is that creamer made and what of?!? PLEASE!


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It's plain and simple. It is the beans.I get the same results in my coffee maker. I used to work there. my hubby still buys me a bag for a treat. the creamer is plainly half and half. I think it is cool that regular grocery stores are selling it. Point of order. go to the donut shop directly because they sell the 16 oz. whereas the stores sell the 12 oz. for the same price. try their french vanilla its great.


I bet it is the beans:) They now sell their product in our grocery stores here in NH..so it is even more available:)


Um...ive had there coffee a few times and i think its gross...it taste like piss...who knows my dad got me it so he could of got it with milk and not cream..but it seriously was bad!...and my dad recently bought dunkin donuts coffee at the store and it just as bad!...so maybe there secret is they piss in it...cos thats what it tastes like ...LOL..jk