Why do some Christians get so bent out of shape about things with a Pagan asscoiation?

The names for the days of the week and the months of each year are all Pagan in origin. The names of the constellations are based upon Pagan myths. These are historical. What is the problem with accepting cultural influences which pre-date Christianity?


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The answer is because they are people. It does not matter that they are Christian. Some people have a personality type that causes them to over defend their beliefs. Most people do not realize God does not really care that much about our religions.I hope this helped.

reputation attack2007-11-24T05:41:53Z

The very use of the word "pagan' is reflective of the intolerant attitude of fundamentalist christians.
It means everybody who is not christian. So the world is simple for fundamentalists. Not much thinking is required when everything is either this or that.
There are fundamentalist Muslims too and Jews. So the attitude is not unique to christians.

Dont get bent out of shape yourself though with them. They have their contribution to make to the world. And like everybody else, take the good, ignore or discard the rest, and dont lose any sleep over the world's imperfections (also the church'es).

Most christians have never thought outside of the box of their faith because they have been taught not to. If you can, then do the christian thing and be graceful with what you know. there are christians who do not believe that they know everything. Not all christians are fundamentalists.


As a Christian , I personally think nothing about pagan myths , cultural influences or who they believe in. I Do strongly believe in Freedom of Religion. This is the right of any human being on this Planet. Religion is not a game. There are people who pay with their Lives that stand behind what they believe in. Be grateful you live in a Country that exercises that right.


personally i dont have a specific religion i link to many religions ideas but not all. i dont get offended about many religous things. but that isnt going to hlp ur situation so i would ask them in an assertive and non agressive way without seeming to attack them with words and maybe youll get a straight answer and see it how they do and even make a new friend.if you can keep an open mind and hear both sides of story you mite learn a new thing or two lol.BE PREPARED p s : if they get defensive then take a step back and say openly that you did not mean to offend them and that you were just curios as to why they are so uptight and gaurded about a religous affiliated item that they more or less probably dont know anything about. (agreeing with no manual or priestly guidance)


There is nothing wrong with the days of the week or the constellations as long as people don't "worship " them and make them more important than "God" or their belief in God, etc. Paganism comes in to play when people worship something more than God...such as a statue or other person place or thing....Some say that paganism shows for example at Christmas when christians celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ but many people have turned it in to a circus of greed...where all they want are money and presents, bigger, and better and more than one and the most expensive....Many children today think that Christmas is only for them and that Santa will bring them presents because they were good all year....and by the way...there was nothing wrong with the star of Bethlehem...quote; "and on their way they saw the star - the same one they had seen in the east - and it went ahead of them until it came and stopped over the place where the child was. How happy they were, what gladness they felt, when they saw the star!" (Matthew; chapter 2 ,vs. 9, 10 The New Testament, Good News for Modern Man, 2nd edition).
Days of the week help us keep time.

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