Pro-lifers! If fetal transplants became a reality, how many times would you donate your body to gestate them?
Let's suppose that in the future, science developed a reliable and safe method for transplanting a first-trimester fetus from one womb to another. Most abortions occur in the first trimester, and this development would allow for women who might otherwise choose an abortion to transfer her fetus to someone willing to gestate it for whatever time is remaining.
Would you put your body where your mouth is and volunteer to take a fetal transplant? Remember that like any child, you would be fully responsible for its care after birth until it is a legal adult. How many fetal transplants would you take?
Men! For the helluvit, let's say that this technology allowed you to carry a fetal transplant as well, to be delivered later by caesarean section. How many would you take?
I kinda figured nobody would actually want to take up the offer.
Outlaw: obviously this is a hypothetical question. The point is to answer it as if it were possible.