When will the french learn???
When you allow a group in to your country who are unwilling to assimilate, who want to blame the indigent people of their "adopted" land for all their shortcomings and failures in life and call them everything from racists to xenophobes, and then to riot when an accident happens as in the case in the news now, then you are just as much to blame as the scum who did it. WAKE UP!!!! The 3rd worlders are ruining in a generation what it took our forefathers centuries to build. Is this the society you want to pass down to your children? It's time to take our countries back for OUR PEOPLE. And let them have complete control of theirs.
To papuman2: The problem emerges, huh? First, I have given facts, or are you not intelligent enough to put accident, France, and riots together in the search bar and read at least one of the documents that pops up? Second, if "immigrants", as you put it, have no choice but to assimilate then why, when they come to a Western land with liberal leaning governments who allow it, do they set up little ethnic enclaves where they do not have to learn nor practice the language, customs, or social norms of the country they are in yet will ***** and scream if they feel they aren't getting their "fair share" of the handouts? Examples: East L.A. California, Oak Cliff in Dallas TX, vast sections of Miami, NYC, Seattle, Brownsville, Laredo, ect... The list goes on. And unlike most of those coming to our lands, I served in the military already, and as I said anyway, leave their lands for them. No aid, no military intervention, no NOTHING. See how evil the White man is then.