What's the fastest, amount of time, has your question been deleted?

I clicked on the top, in BOLD, someone else's question and it was deleted already - in a matter of minutes.
are the questions censors on their A game today?

D TRAIN2007-11-28T11:49:57Z

Favorite Answer

I have come across several of them. I guess they are quick on the button.



I've never personally had one of my own questions deleted, I hate reading stupid or insensitive questions but at the same time when I click on a question like that - one that has been deleted so quickly - it makes me wonder what the question was that would make the censors delete it so quickly.


About 1.5 minutes. Give it a try. Ask a question about living in a trailer (what clothes to wear, ornaments for lawn, etc.). Dem trailer-folks will have it shut down faster than a riot lock-down at the local prison.


Mine was about 37 minutes. Watch out for Generalist! He reports his own fans. Once I deleted my own question, because of all the bad answers I got.


my questions usually take a while to get deleted, only because some troll, but i seen a few q's get deleted in two minutes

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