Is there a "discontent" virus going around?

Perhaps I'll be deleted for the first time, but I'd really like to know how others are feeling about Yahoo! Answers. So many of the very best suspended without explanation; in spite of overwhelming support, not restored. Many are leaving. I've emailed the "team" six times to inquire why I no longer get alerts for Best Answers, only because I like to thank the person, & they've not given me the courtesy of a reply. I've for so long enjoyed whatever contribution I could make, received emails thanking me, but I'm feeling it's time to leave. I've made beautiful friends, but I can still keep in touch. I wasn't able to answer for a couple of days, & my "badge" has been taken away--not that it meant much--but does this mean I have to chain myself to my PC every day? Do you get the sense that the "community" truly has no voice in anything? I've somehow fared well, yet the "plight" of others depresses me. Have you thought of saying "goodbye"? This IS a question & I'm stating facts.


I have to dash off quite soon, but just looked at the wonderful answers (I will repond & no, I was't alerted but went to my page). I wanted to note the "badge" isn't a major issue, just another recent bit of nastiness--as Param mentioned--give it & for no reason, take it away. Love you all, & I'll back to make some comments, okay?


rachelle>I rather think it's sometimes the "Yahoo Police" when they have nothing better to do with their time, & sometimes trolls. It's hard to know, but I VERY much doubt Yahoo looks at ANYTHING.
Param>It's something like, when you make a charge to your bank card, it's IMMEDIATELY a debit, but if it was an error, it takes 72 hours to get the credit. Awesome. As for the silly badge, you have to stay in a specific category for an unknown % of time. You're right, all the frills are so irrelevant. But, at least be consistent! Too busy having fun changing questions from one side of the page to the other, & when someone is TRULY obscene, requiring more than one report from "responsible" users. It's all a game to them. Thank you for your kind words about me; I don't WANT to leave, but as you said "..if it becomes too barren." I've spent days trying to restore accounts, but no one is minding the store & people are getting hurt.


achenbreakin>How I admired your stoicsim when THEY took away all that you'd invested! I honestly don't believe I could do that. There is NO security, NO communication with these people. Do I want to be a member of this club? Yes, migration...I hope there are more like you who will go "there."


<l>...I really wish you'd look at the 2 October blog on my 360 page. Truly! It's sort of prophetic. There IS another land, but I don't know how to invite you without your email. Of the friends you mentioned, Psychic Cat & Param are there. Now, give me a listen! I LOVED the video, "Don't let 'em take the fight out of you!" I've been fighting for my friends for months. But here's the deal: "I'd rather find out who you are than try & find out who you're not." THEY can't be reached or seen. It's like watching your friends, one by one, go down to an invisible firing squad--with their backs turned innocently. Both Psychic Cat & I have our photos (such as they are) in this "land." We're all getting to know each other so much better. It's not a place for controversy, debate or thumbs down (a sadistic feature of Y/A serving nothing but hurt feelings for the sensitive & venting for the mean). Thanks for the "cheer up" but wouldn't YOU rather spend your time in a nicer place?


Zelda>I am so, so happy you're in the new land! As to badges--poof. Users ARE being ignored; I've never heard of anyone who got a response when disputing a violation, or even what it was for. It's so cute of you to remember how I called the politics section a bunch of snapping turtles! We WILL keep in touch!
QT>I'm not threatening to frighten anyone! I've stayed as long as I have, mostly because of my contacts. It's also nice when I can in some way, help someone I don't even know. The scales HAVE tipped; Multiply is a comfort zone; I just wanted to see how others feel, & there are differences. ALL my contacts haven't "migrated" yet, & don't think for a minute I wouldn't miss those who haven't--& hope that they will. I once looked at profiles of people with "badges" & BA had nothing to do with it, some were as low as 5%. I don't CARE about the badge,& as I said, have never been suspended. What's happening to my FRIENDS makes me angry & sad. Your last line, a good laugh!


Moon> You, my dear should understand perhaps better than anyone. You probably have no idea how many of us spent days trying to restore you! Posts deleted from the forum, unanswered emails..."One of the best & finest" (from my October blog). This site should be named: Yahoo Troll Q&A Only. (& be sure to have a heavy thumb). Hey, maybe they may all knock each other off when all the nice people leave!
canon4>Ill programmed robots indeed. It's gotten so we're too scared to report anyone, even if they're a serial killer. Y/A has gotten much worse, "power corrupts." (Do robots have egos?)
pixie>I've noticed less questions, & I'm basically an answerer. We have just so much time; I'd rather respond to the Multiply guestbook.
I hope all these details haven't been boring--I want to respond to each thoughtful answer & not wait until the end. Two Y/A things of value: I've made the greatest of friends, & have even made people laugh! Cheers to whatever you choose to do, it's up to YOU.


Hello again~I knew there was, but wanted to get a "feel" of the degrees & reasons. You've all been so wonderfully helpful.
soundproof>I truly appreciate your "reinforcement" of me, & agree about the Best answers. (I left a comment on one of your links about those who ask, yet leave us blowing in the wind.) Today, I visited my profile (rarely these days) & saw I had 3 Best Answers, but I can't even find them to thank them. Just now, I'm considering a bit of compromise, but not sure. I may drop in from time to time, & you know--it's not so much the users as it is Y/A. A feeling of hypothermia sinks in. THEY DO NOT CARE, THEY ARE NOT THERE. Not now, not ever.
Carole>I've received email attacks, & I think it is paranoia. WE are compelled to hide from each other! "UGLY FEEL"...Yes. I had ONE violation long ago when I was reporting a clone. This isn't nearly as much about me as it is about others. & great thanks to YOU, there is somewhere else I prefer to go!


Third P>My sweet young friend, I hope I've never trespassed on your ego! If I've been a "critic," it's only because I know how much philosophy means to you, & how important it is to use logic. (Which, sometimes you do not! But, you're not alone.) I'm happy you have your orange banner as you'd so long hoped! "Logic" tells me the DV will never be controlled. I have no hopes of that. Amazing I've lasted as long as I have. Read Pollyanna's (Carole's) last paragraph. I do NOT care about the badges, but will not be ruled by an anarchist when there is a little cyberspace island, a restful sanctuary. Good luck to you!


Doc Watson>Of course I wasn't alerted to your answer, & just dropped by to be sure the time for this question hadn't expired. Ha> SAFE HAVEN. More like Hades. Sorry dearheart, but regarding your last paragraph, I honestly don't think it has anything to do with volume. They have LOTS of time to merrily play with "new features" no one wants or needs, so they ought to have time to restore valid accounts, have the courtesy to respond--just once--to the issue in my SEVEN emails, let people know what their violation was for, & so on & so on. You are too kind. Just to name two of the sweetest, Moon & Jach, who never wrote an unkind word, assassinated, & all our pleas ignored. Nope. If they have time play, they have time to mend.


ONE LAST DETAIL before I choose, (I may forget to come back.) I'd like to end with a LAUGH that is apropos. Long ago, someone told me about a man whose first language was't English, & this is what he said:
"Where damn my bags go? You no more fit run airport than God sake! That's all I hope!" :):)

I hope I've responded to everyone, I love you all & wish I could give each of you ten points, But "this" time the choice is clear. You'll understand why.


Favorite Answer

Hi my wonderful friend,
I've just read your question, your comments and all the answers so far. I feel it has all been said. I haven't been on YA as long as some but since starting on here I have so enjoyed it. I have learned so much and come to respect and admire so many people. Even answering questions is a 'learning process' when some are talented in asking questions that make us think in more diverse ways.
I've never had a violation or problems with trolls but over the past few months I began to notice a growing feeling of discontent, anger and suspicion among my contacts. This made me uneasy. I even started to receive emails that made it seem as if friends I'd had such a positive relationship with were becoming secretive and suspicious ... one of their contacts was a troll, which one was it? It was like feeling guilty for something but what!!! Suddenly this place had a less friendly and more ugly feel.
And yet I still like it and the reason for that is because of the relationships we have built up. I enjoy the question/answer side and I will keep returning but maybe not as regularly as I did in the past because there is somewhere else, a little cyber-island we've created on our own, which provides a safe haven, a restful sacturary, a private refuge where we can just 'be ourselves' and that's the place that calls to me more strongly now!
Oh, and I'm another one that lost my badge this past week. All of us naughty little school children, we earned stars and now we've had them taken away. I think the idea is that we should then feel stirred into coming back to 'earn' our badge again but maybe we don't want to be conditioned in this way. I will return for the interaction, the learning, the enjoyment of being among friends. Not for the rewards that are given to us by one hand and taken off us by another. I will keep coming back for the time being but I've been bitten by the discontent bug too because there is somewhere else I prefer to give more of my time to so I don't think I'll be here as often.


This badge stuff is strange because I now have a badge in Biology, though it may be gone this morning. I answered a bunch of biology questions over the last week or two, though before that I doubt if I answered a hundred altogether.
I think we are all being ignored. I wrote to dispute a violation notice at the beginning of the month and have not received a reply so far. However, it seems that someone is taking an interest in my biology answers. Strange.
I hope we will keep in touch over at the other place. I'm trying to drag my dad (age 79) and best friend over there too.
One more thing, it should be mentioned that it's practically impossible to ask or answer anything over in Snapping Turtle Pond (Politics) these days. So much energy expended - for what?


Well, if YOU decide to leave it will be Y/A's loss! As it is, there are very few genuine persons left who are sincerely trying to help others by giving serious thoughts to their questions and answering earnestly. I have come to consider you as 'our resident doctor/psychologist' simply because of your willingness to share your deep knowledge freely.

The Team does sound incompetent. The least they could do is to study the case (especially when challenged) and return to the complainant! Just like they 'hear' the complaints about abuse, they should similarly 'heed' the support esp. when it is 'overwhelming'. That would be real 'democracy'! Sadly, it doesn't exist here...

Regarding 'badge', I heard they have some rules about getting a particular percentage of best answers in a category to earn it. Now, even I had a badge months ago when I frequented Psychology section and was very soon snatched away when I wandered into other categories. Honestly I was a bit embarrassed wearing that badge but taking it away was like giving someone a medal for the exlempary services provided and taking it back at your whim. Now that's not done anywhere!!! Badges, Stars, Points, Levels are just sops and are reflective of a certain caste system prevalent in the Yahoo society. Actually they mean NOTHING to people who are here to share knowledge or lighten their hearts when troubled.

I am not saying 'goodbye' YET. But if it becomes too barren without genuine people like you, I may be forced to...


Doc Watson2007-12-02T07:10:48Z

People use YA for various reasons. Some, of course, simply to be helpful. Many others, myself included, because we need to feel like we belong to some community where we can cross paths with kindred spirits. We're not so much seeking answers (although that would be an added bonus) as we're seeking some kind of companionship, a validation of sorts that here is a place, a safe haven, where we can converse with others on some like-minded level.

As such, it would sadden me to see any of the regulars I've come to like and respect leave for whatever reason.

As to myself, only twice have I been 'censored' by Yahoo by having my questions removed. When I asked why through an e-mail to Yahoo all I received was their stock reply that I violated their guidelines. When I replied and asked how specifically I got the same 'form letter' reply. It's a pain in the rear but a small price to pay considering the time I've spent here.

Of course I hope it improves for everyone but YA has grown so much so quickly that I think they are simply going through growing pains and can't handle the pure volume of so many people being here.

Third P2007-11-30T13:33:46Z


You have been my personal critic and i appreciate that even it touches my ego. But i cannot hide my feelings to say this: that indeed you are one of the best and intelligent person i met in Yahoo/Answers. Indeed i throw this as a question why some of my good friends were stripped off with the orange banner. Most of you are my very first old friends here that simultaneously been stripped of the honor badge. It seems there must be a review on this. People who had big contributions were also suspended. Really i don't see the rationale behind.

I would still pray that you be around because i consider you as my mentor and i learn many things from you. And that has been treasured in my mind. Discontent virus is widely spreading. Hope this must be controlled the soonest.

My high respect is always with you.

God Bless!

Third P

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