Come on Atheists fess up.?

All of the iconography, the imagery, the outright advertising of the Christ child in this season allows some believers to generalize and see something wondrous, perhaps sacred, maybe even divine in the face of every child. Whether the whole magilla is eternally true or the biggest mass delusion of all time this tiny bit of it is a good thing.


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The holiday season was pagan first. The Church coopted it.


We are just atheists, not emotionless robots.

I think we can see more wonder in things because we are aware of so much more, and aware of how much we do not understand yet.

Our awe is based on the knowledge we have, and of the knowledge yet to come.

We have not just given up like believers have. When I look at something like a a super nova, I can imagine the huge forces at work, the incredible energies involved and that awes me. The concept that it being done by some creature from a dusty old Hebrew myth, is simply too stupid to contemplate.


True. There's nothing better than the look on a child's face when he/she gets the hot new toy that their mother got up at two in the morning, drove to the store to wait in line outside for an hour, got inside and raced angrily pushing others aside to get to the toy because it was 20% off, then raced through a crowded parking lot cursing others who keep walking in front of her car, all so her kid doesn't throw a hissy fit if he/she doesn't get the toy that was deemed the season's "must have". It is quite magical.


I see the Christmas season as a good chance to spend quality time with friends and family. Definitely a good thing.


You're asking atheists to be unbiased and even logical. Something that many of them have big problems with, as you can already see from some of the responses you've gotten.

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