Is it time for roasting chestnuts on the open fire?

Have you ever actually done that?


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roasted them in a frying pan, but not an "open fire" ...

peeling them was risky, since I remember getting "shell-peel" jabbed up uinder my thumbnail a little

and the taste wasn't very ... mmm .... how to put this diplomatically .... wasn't exactly spectacular ... tho if I was maybe a starving prisoner of war, chestnuts might assume an enhanced appeal to the palate.


If I had chestnuts I wouldn't want them roasted. :-) But, they do make baskets to roast chestnuts in the fireplace or any other fire source. I think they usually do that in the east since that is where they grow. Out here on the west coast we don't see them much. I used to see them in the supermarket but I guess they didn't sell very well here so they stopped carrying them.

hello world2007-11-30T14:55:57Z's almost December....isn't it? Only another hour of November left *here*, at any rate....and I know that a big part of me thinks that the Christmas season begins on December sounds like a good time to start roasting those chestnuts...don't you agree?

To answer the second part of your question, I have never actually tried it.


I have never done it. I don't even think I've ever eaten a chesnut.

We used to sing the song like this:

Chet's nuts roasting on an open fire
Chet is screaming out in pain...


Never! I have had roasted chestnuts and didn't think they were all that great. Bring on the cashews!

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