Why does CPS do these horrible things?

Ok I am asking this question for a close friend of mine and to clear my head some. My good friend who choose me as his childs godfather just lost his son tonight thanks to CPS.
Basically here is what happened someone called CPS and claimed that my friend and his wife were not taking care of thier child properly and he was developementally behind. Cps gets involved and says everything is fine they just need to investigate. They told him and his wife that they have no intention of taking the child. They did ask him and her to take some classes and asked them to voluntarily have a home assist for a couple of months. They did everything that was asked of them and complied. My friends wife was put in the hospital during this time with a tumor on her spine. She was in the hospital for 3 months and just came home today. That is when the sheriff's show up at his door with a court order forcing them to give up the child.
Why can they ruin a family like this. when there are real abuse cases?


Well as for additional details it seems a mute point. But additionally my friend and his wife complied with all the requests that were put on them. Very well documented that he did. But it has been one thing after another And the case worker claimed things that were never said or done. In addition the case worker cancelled appointments and stated that my friend did so. Luckily I pre warned my friend to document all of this and he did. But sadly tape recording are not legal when dealing with a government agent.
I just find it sad that they are persecuting this couple who did nothing wrong and did what was asked of them and believed everything that CPS told them lost thier baby. It is even more Messed up that a few days early here in denver colorado, a 10 year old girl was shot and killed at her home. A home that was with a father that dealt drugs and had weapons in the home. CPS did not want to get involved in that case. I agree thier are two sides to it but tell me where CPS has one!

pike942 SFECU pray4revival FOI2007-12-01T10:14:04Z

Favorite Answer

Hey Logan,

I feel for your friend! I've been a foster/adoptive father for close to 10 years and a cop for over 20 and I've wondered the same thing! They have too much power without the wisdom to wield it justly OR effectively.

We've had in our home over the years children from good loving homes that should never have been taken and then we've also had them with us for a few months and they never should have been returned! I think a lot of it depends on which case worker just happens to be assigned the case. Personality and levels of ignorance vary. I have known and do currently know a FEW GOOD case workers with D.F.C.S. (Georgia's Dept of Family and Children Svcs is the equivalent of your Child Protective Svcs)

Fortunately, our current Governor in Ga (and his wife) are actively involved in foster/adoption and have a huge heart for this matter. I've been able (and blessed) to have his aid in a matter involving one of my daughters.

Ultimately, you can't depend on CPS, Judges, Lawyers, Law Enforcement, or Government to always do the right thing. I mean that with all due respect to those higher powers (Rom 13) but I personally have had good experience in enlisting the aid of a Higher Power through prayer. He can change minds and get things done.

Brigid O' Somebody2007-11-30T22:04:36Z

This crazy stuff seems to be happening all the time--while monsters out there are left to torture and kill the real victims.

I have noticed that every time one of those absolutely horrible stories of a child tortured to death hits the media, CPS goes crazy and grabs a whole bunch of kids away from innocent parents. It has happened to me, so I know exactly how it feels. I know the stigma and fear and all that goes with it.

I think that better staffing--both in quantity and in quality--would make a difference. Social Workers make a lot of mistakes in assessments when they are rushed and pushed.

Your friend needs to do everything he can to get a good attorney; don't ever face CPS alone if you can help it. But also, take heart. My charge was a mistake, and the CPS worker involved chose to get it dropped. There are some honest people in the system.

Miss Spicy Song Yung2007-11-30T21:52:57Z

It does always seem a mystery as to why some Child Protection Agencies seem to pick on one family and seem to ignore more serious cases. There is no valid answer to this that would even sound rational.

As frustrating as it is, we need to discover what is CPS' source of information? How did they determine they needed to be looked at in the first place? Do your friends have a particular "enemy" that has something to gain from giving their family grief and the spotlight? (i.e. just meaness and the knowing they are making their lives miserable?)

They may want to contact a child family attorney via legal aide and determine if they have a valid case against CPS and have it deemed harassment and unfounded allegations in which if there is a valid case, they could receive a monetary compensation for pain and suffering along with the disruption of their family.

Good luck and much prayers.


It happened here in Australia,I dont know if they are called CPS here same sh!t,this family had been reported many a time and had older children removed, but there was a 10yr old still living wth the B*stards.An ambulance was called the little girl was locked in a room full off her own waste,and garbage no room for the ambo,s to get in,I think police were called but the little was dead and she only weighed 9 kilo she was 10 yrs old.The parents said she couldn,t eat blah blah blah.B*stards.


I am so sorry I can't even begin to tell you. But the same some what happen to me. The only thing that may be some comfort to you was as hard as it is for me to say it was for the best. Totally unrelated as to why they took my kids stuff came out that was going on with my kids that I was totally unaware of. And had they not taken them it would still be going on today. There is a reason we just may not know it at the time.
Good luck

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