Confessions of an Economic Hitman?
Who else sees the correlation with China's actions here in the U.S. as with what is purported in this book? In summary the book claims (and the claims fall in place with current events) that the U.S. has "consulting" corporations whose sole niche is to enslave other countries by offering them help in building infrastructure, securing them loans to achieve them as long as they go through American engineering and construction companies, inflate the interest on the loans to the point they WILL go into bankruptcy, then take the project over and continue to accrue interest so it will never be paid off. China is making loans to us that we will never be able to pay off so we can buy more of their crap, then threaten us that it will dump our currency on the global market to devalue it, therefor making our money more worthless than what it already is. Looks like American business is losing at it's own game.