Isn't it amazing when you go to answer a question. . .?

someone took the words from your mouth or a couple of people were thinking alike, maybe even esp? lol

Betwixt & Between2007-12-04T15:36:47Z

Favorite Answer

Yeah, but it's more annoying to me than amazing, because then after typing out all that information I have to delete it since I won't get best answer for parroting!

Sword Lily2007-12-04T23:44:13Z

Yeah and they beat me to the submit key! ( pouting )

hahahaha I'm just kidding. Yeah it's amazing how we think alike. I guess that's why we're here in the first place.


Yea that happens to me and My answer was really good but then I see that someone else just answered the question even better. I hate it I have to write a poem now.. hopefully that'll happen.


Yes it often happens, some questions draw us to the same conclusion.


i have seen this happen allot when i do i skip the answer and move on