Where can I take belly dance classes in Louisville,kY/Southern Indiana?


I have contacted those web sites and nothing comes up and I have called dance studios and gyms.


Favorite Answer

You might want to check with a gym or recreation center in your area. Sometimes they have dance classes. You can look on Shira's website.

Middle Eastern Dance website

Both of these sites have lots of great info about belly dance.

You can e-mail or call some of the dance instructors to find out more about their background, their style of instruction, what they expect from students, and fees they charge for classes. If you don't find a teacher listed for your area, you might want to contact one from the websites and find out if they may know of an instructor who may live closer to you.

I hope you find a teacher that you like. If one teacher's style doesn't suit your learning style, try another. I've known some dancers to take awhile finding a setting that worked for them.

Good luck!!


Belly Dance Classes Louisville Ky


Since there are no really good places for that sort of dance, I suggest you come to Longview Texas where I will make sure you get the best dance lessons possible