EMO? Please bridge my generation gap...?
What is it? Even more helpful: WHO sings it? A couple of examples? I don't even know if I have heard it or not. Maybe I can learn to hate it too? lol
What is it? Even more helpful: WHO sings it? A couple of examples? I don't even know if I have heard it or not. Maybe I can learn to hate it too? lol
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I see flaming ahead..
'Emo' is slang for what most consider 'emotive rock', but some will offer variation. It started a few decades back, died down, and is now rising up again in what could be considered a less than appealing fashion.
Today's Emo's (People who listen to emo music) are many, some with genuine problems, but a general stereotype is that many emos are just kids looking for reasons as to why they can say their lives suck, slit their wrists in fashions similar to their apparent heros, and do drugs. Many Emo boys are effeminate, another stereotype is that emos hate their parents.. its all rather a grey area unfortunately.
An Ideal of example of 'Emo' Music would be My Chemical Romance. A shame, they're quite a good band.
n the mid-1980s, the term emo described a subgenre of hardcore punk which originated in the Washington, DC music scene. In later years, the term emocore, short for "emotional hardcore", was also used to describe the emotional performances of bands in the Washington DC scene and some of the offshoot regional scenes such as Rites of Spring, Embrace, One Last Wish, Beefeater, Gray Matter, Fire Party, and later, Moss Icon. (In more recent years, the term "emotive hardcore" entered the lexicon to describe the period.)
Starting in the mid-1990s, the term emo began to refer to the indie scene that followed the influences of Fugazi, which itself was an offshoot of the first wave of emo. Bands including Sunny Day Real Estate and Texas Is the Reason had a more indie rock style of emo, more melodic and less chaotic. The so-called "indie emo" scene survived until the late 1990s, as many of the bands either disbanded or shifted to mainstream styles. As the remaining indie emo bands entered the mainstream, newer bands began to emulate the mainstream style. As a result, the term "emo" became a vaguely defined identifier rather than a specific genre of music
Emo is a new group, mainly for teenagers, and basically it is short for emotional. It is a mix of alternative and gothic, but emo is a genre of music also. Kids who generally listen to depressing music, have long hair, black fingernails and clothes, tight jeans, are depressed, etc...might be emo. Here are some examples: http://images.google.com/images?svnum=10&um=1&hl=en&q=eMO+KIDS&btnG=Search+Images
It seems just to have sprung up out of nowhere, does';t it? What 'EMO' actually stands for is emotional - it appeals mostly to troubled teens. You'll probably learn to hate it; I don't care for it much either.
My Chemical Romance are one of the biggest emo bands out there these days, Muse, AFI... some of them are OK.